Woodmancote Park Homes

Woodmancote Park Homes accommodates 80 static caravans with permanent residential occupancy, situated on the north eastern edge of Woodmancote.

The park is occupied by mostly retired or semi retired persons, and a site licence restricts occupancy to those aged 55 or over.  Occupancy levels are extremely high, with vacant plots quickly reoccupied and there is a lengthy waiting list.

Stansgate were approached to see if an extension to the park could be achieved, and following assessment concluded the only realistic option to achieve this was to seek an allocation in the Development Plan.  The key issues included the general strategy for the distribution of development, support for caravans rather than traditional housing as a way of meeting housing need, access, and landscape impact, the site lying within a Special Landscape Area and close to the Cotswolds National Landscape area. 

Submissions were threefold:

  • To the Tewkesbury Borough Council Comparative Sites Assessment, and later the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, to make the Council aware of the need for permanent residential caravan sites and the availability of land adjacent to the Woodmancote Park Homes site to meet that need
  • To the Cheltenham / Gloucester / Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy to support a strategy which directed housing to a range of settlements, including Woodmancote, and to get the Council to acknowledge the importance of permanent residential caravan sites as a way of meeting the needs of an aging population.
  • With success at the sub regional level, representations to Tewkesbury Borough Council to achieve an allocation in the Tewkesbury Borough Plan

Stansgate was successful in achieving the allocation of two parcels of land adjoining the existing caravan park, totally 2.3 hectares of land and suitable for 60 caravans. 

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