Parkland Care Home,
Working with the owners Stansgate prepared and submitted an application for an extension to the existing care home.

The care home is situated outside the urban area of Redditch and within the West Midlands Green Belt, where new building is automatically considered inappropriate development, unless one of the exceptions specified within the National Planning Policy Framework are met.
The care home had originally been a private house and had been converted to its current care home use in the 1970s. There had then been subsequent extensions to the property. Green Belt policy only allows for extensions to existing buildings that are not disproportionate over the size of the original building. Stansgate were able to demonstrate the scale of previous additions and successfully argue that those proposed as part of the new application would not result in disproportionate additions. Planning permission was granted for extensions that amount to around a 40% increase in space over the original property and importantly provide modern and ‘fit for purpose’ rooms for new and future residents of the care home.