Land at Goscote Lane,

It’s always a pleasure to work with St Francis Group and their project teams and this 9ha site was no exception.

Following a pre-application enquiry and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening request, we submitted a full planning application for remediation works on this former industrial site to enable these works to start as soon as possible.  We followed this with a hybrid planning application seeking outline consent for up to 263 new homes, with full planning permission sought for new accesses, main estate roads through the site and the site infrastructure drainage strategy.  

Within 4 months (and requiring just one submission of minor revisions to the proposals) we had a Committee resolution to grant permission subject to completion of a legal agreement (a Ssection 106 agreement).  Residential redevelopment of this site has transformed the local area, including the canal frontage, removing a derelict industrial site and providing much-needed housing. Plans and Design & Access Statement produced by PRC Group.

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