Darlaston Road,

Whilst a significant proportion of Stansgate’s work is in the more rural parts of Warwickshire, Worcestershire and the Cotswolds, we have plenty of experience working within project teams to deliver large-scale major redevelopments of urban brownfield sites across the West Midlands conurbation.

In late 2020, we secured planning permission to construct 10,498sqm of commercial floorspace, bringing a long-derelict site back into employment use.   Working with BHP Design and others, we presented a scheme that successfully addressed the constraints of the adjoining M6, the River Tame and an elevated section of the Walsall Canal, not forgetting the grade II listed aqueduct and public house.  Following the granting of permission, we subsequently

submitted applications for non-material amendments and a series of deemed discharge of conditions applications, which enabled the development to be completed and then sold.  The site is now occupied and delivering the jobs the Council was keen to enable.

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